Happy Farmer Friday “Fur and Feather Swap”

Happy Farmer Friday!!

Last Saturday my husband and youngest two girls helped me grab 7 Roosters and headed to the Newala/Harrah Fur and Feather Swap meet to reduce the number of farm freeloaders. Within 15 minutes a man from Watson Auctions had wheeled and dealed for a full package deal. Spoiler alert - I told him I’d take anything because they don’t lay eggs!

After offloading our birds we made the rounds ourselves... and came home with a sweet Sussex hen. That we purchased from the man who bought my Roos, with the very same money! Haha! I called her Barn Hilda, but then she took to the trees so I started calling her Jess (she’s the New Girl). She lays big beautiful brown eggs! Love her! Jon is so glad she has learned that she might as well go into the coop on her own (instead of into the one cedar tree that is surrounded by brambles and thorns behind the chicken run, where we will absolutely yelp and cuss (sorry) as we make our way to retrieve her and set her into the coop ourselves).

With fewer Roosters the ladies are happier and busier (I guess they used their energy to run from Roos rather than lay eggs?), I generally have a solid 2 dozen eggs a day again. Who was asking for farm eggs???

In goat news: Ruby and Princess are bred and Little Miss Fence Jumper needs to have 3-4 kids grow rapidly to deter her from living up to her reputation as an escape artist. Sorry Amie! Thanks for putting up with my accidental purchase consequences... again...

And Patty’s abscess has healed! She’s looking like Pretty Patty again! And our littles are just the sweetest things still.

In Sheep news - I had waited for Campylobacter meds to come in for quite a bit, so now Fleece and Flannel can visit other pastures and hang out with a hunky Ram. He has great leg shag!

Our German Shepherds are still silly. The latest shenanigans are a destroyed pinecone ... in the living room. And the upsetting intrusion of sunlight! Funny video.

I started my Spring semester this week at OU. I included my “video intro” assignment for one of my classes. I noticed everyone else was sitting at a kitchen table. What can I say - I like to share my hobby farm with captive audiences. (Clearly! ) I also had a couple weeks of doctor appointments. I have 3 confirmed hernias. (Hence the references to what Jon has helped with and also what he likes about my New Girl! Lol!). Ultrasound next week to determine the level of urgency (psssst.... Doc.... it’s hurt for over a month ). Also got some annual female things addressed too. More on that another time, though.

We also finally got a new cooktop from our Home Warranty company! It had died in November. Then a power surge and outage created a Frankenstein fire hazard where it could turn itself on and if we turned it on it wouldn’t regulate temps (a 2 would rapid boil water in a minute, like a 10). Celebrated by heating up the tea kettle to make cocoa and peppermint tea! And then many meals. Lol!

This next week we have a Neutering appointment for Garfunkel... he has started to prowl. Right into Katt and Robbie’s house (they have a sweet kitty... already fixed thank goodness!)!

Enjoy the pics! I’ve included pics from the showmanship clinic mentioned in my last Farmer post. Bella received her score cards and ribbons for her speech contest entries at the Cleveland County Communication event mentioned a couple posts ago: all blues!

Also of note: Jon learned to sew from the best and used that Hansen skill to make cushions for our window seats. He also made pellet trays for the Cleveland County Air Rifle competitors participating at the State shooting event tomorrow (Good luck Breya and Taylyn!)


Happy Farmer Friday “Snowmageddon Part I”